Haydn the Outcast

This complete story is available on Kindle Vella, Amazon, and Kindle Unlimited!

The adventure starts now!

In a country teetering on the edge of war, 17-year-old Haydn trained much of his young life to be a soldier in the stratocracy of Ulger. It was a simple destiny, complicated when he is lured from his slumber and transformed into a human weapon by an ancient magical being named Alisia. Gifted with new powers, and abilities beyond the mortal man, Haydn is commanded by Alisia to kill his captain, a man whom she claims is on quest that will lead to death and destruction if he is not stopped.

Little does Haydn know that this mysterious woman is dragging him into a dangerous conflict between two long forgotten powers. After his ensuing actions trigger a war between Ulger and a neighboring country, figuring out who to trust becomes a matter of survival when everything is thrown into chaos around him. Haydn finds himself with new powers and an exile in a war that will shape the future of the entire world.

This is a story of a magical powers, intense battles, and the beginning of a young hero’s journey.

222 pages

Chapter 1

Haydn stirred from his slumber.

Despite the cool night air flowing through the open window, a bead of sweat dripped from his brow. He winced. His body ached from the training he and his companions endured in the Ulger army.

Captain Bernald certainly doesn’t know how to pull his punches. He thought as he rolled back over and shut his eyes.

His sore body was not the only thing that kept him from sleeping. Haydn could not shake the feeling he needed to go. It was like there was an invisible lure tempting him to follow, but he did not know where it was leading him. Thus, sleep continued to elude him.

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